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Ways to Combat the Flu During Flu Season

It is widely known that individuals aged 65 and older are at a much higher risk of severe complications due to the influenza virus. More so than any other age group. It has been estimated that about 90% of flu related deaths are among this age range. Between 50% and 60% of hospital stays due to flu complications occur within the senior group in the United States. As individuals age, their immune system begins to weaken making influenza a very serious threat. There are several steps that seniors can take to combat the flu season. Anyone who presents with flu like symptoms should immediately consult a health professional.

Influenza Vaccines

Once the immune system begins to weaken individuals become extremely vulnerable to the flu virus. It is crucial to ensure those aged 65 or older receive their flu vaccines. There are currently two options for this. One vaccine is a normal dose and the other is considered a high does flu vaccine. It is important to consult a medical professional when deciding which is best. Most communities have flu vaccines available around the month of October. The best bet is to get it as soon as possible. 

Practice proper Hygiene

Everyone should practice proper hygiene. This isn’t a checklist for your aging loved one and ONLY your aging loved one. But they are at a higher risk of developing serious complications from this disease. Therefore, here are some hygiene tips. These are some of the most effective ways to combat flu season.

  • Keep your hands clean. This may be done with soap and warm water. Wash the hands for at least 20 to 30 seconds before rinsing. Be sure to dry with a clean cloth afterwards. If there is no soap and/or water present, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.  
  • Cover the nose and mouth every time a cough or sneeze threatens, if possible. Cleanse or sanitize hands immediately after each and every sneeze or cough.
  • Make it a conscious habit to refrain from touching any of the orifices of the face. This includes the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. 
  • Try to keep countertops and surfaces in all rooms clean and sanitized, especially if anyone present is sick.
  • Wash clothes including towels and washcloths on a regular basis. It is a good idea to wash bathing items and clothes used by sick individuals immediately after use. 
  • Keep your distance from individuals who are known to be sick and all individuals who are sick should stay at home.
  • Try to avoid allowing sick persons to visit until they are well to prevent the flu from spreading. Small children often are not old enough to be completely conscious of all good hygiene habits and may spread the virus unintentionally.
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