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Can I see a sample apartment? | Gloria Dei Retirement Commun
Can I see a sample apartment?

A formal initial interview and verification of information certification will be scheduled by the Office when your name approaches the top of our wait list. At that initial interview meeting, you will be able to see an apartment the size your household qualifies, and get an idea of room dimensions and layout. We do not have any sample apartments to show.

Do I have a choice of an efficiency or one bedroom apartment?

You don’t have a choice between efficiency units or one bedroom apartments. They way it works is that applicant households of two people move into one bedroom units, while applicant single households move into efficiency units. There is no unit choice offered.

Do you have wheelchair accessible units?

We have no wheelchair accessible units due to the age and construction of our building. However, Gloria Dei Towers does not discriminate against eligible persons on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, handicap, or familial status.

Does Gloria Dei Towers have any preferences for wait list status?

We have preference for applicants who are United States Veterans, and preference for those applicants who live or work in Montgomery County. These preferences have been approved by HUD and give priority to those applicants over other applicants on our wait lists for housing.

Who is considered a couple?

In order to be considered a couple, there must be two names on the application for residency at the Towers. Also, there must be at least one applicant that is 62 years of age or better for the household to qualify for residency. This is under accordance of the HUD regulations.

Is there a wait list for couples?

Yes, there is a wait list for couple applicants. Much like there is a wait list for individuals, couples will also be placed on the same wait list. Please contact the Gloria Dei Towers Office for information on the process of getting on the One Bedroom Wait List.

Is there a wait list for singles?

Yes, there is a wait list for single applicants. Unfortunately, we cannot place everyone in an efficiency room when they apply. However, if you are interested in being placed on the waiting list, do not hesitate to contact the Gloria Dei Towers Office for information on the availability and process of getting on the Efficiency Wait List.

How do I apply for residency?

Applying for residency is very easy! All you have to do is contact Gloria Dei Towers Office by telephone, mail, or e-mail for current information on wait list status and application availability. If you’re not sure about our phone number, address, or email please click this link to head to the overview of Gloria Dei Towers.

The Towers
The Plaza
Personal Care at the Park
Memory Care at the Park
The Farms
The Manor and Manor Court
The Estates

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